

上海维迈德技术服务有限公司 (iVMD) 专注于IVD产品、医疗器械、化妆品的合规领域。我们集丰富的国内外监管法规经验与一身,协助中国IVD、医疗器械和化妆品产品进入欧美市场,帮助企业获得欧盟和美国市场准入。同时我们也为境内外企业的IVD产品、医疗器械和化妆品进入中国市场提供CFDA法规咨询和快速的产品注册服务。

Shanghai iVMD Techlonogy service Co.,Ltd (iVMD) specializes in IVD products, medical device and cosmetic industries. We combine special experiences in China and European legislation and regulatory, offer professional CFDA registration consulting and perform swift CFDA registration of cosmetic and medical device products for companies which locate outside of China and plan to market the cosmetics and medical devices in China market. iVMD also assist companies outside of Europe to market their cosmetic and medical device products into Europe.